
MLM SALES Building an Thriving Multi Level Marketing Sales Funnel

Building an Effective MLM Sales FunnelIt is no secret that in order to develop a successful MLM Internet Network MarketingCompany that you need a constant flow of qualified leads to speak to. It is all about exposure. These people/Leads are the backbone of your MLM business. The more people that you can expose your business to on a daily basis the more victorious you will become. Producing MLMSales Funnels is by far the best and most efficient way to get the exposure that you need. If done accurately your MLM Sales Funnel will be capturing, qualifying, warming up leads and even putting them in your business for you 24/7 on autopilot. This by far is the best way to leverage your time and efforts. When you set them up they will continue to work for you without complaint until you close them down. Key Components of an Effective MLM Sales Funnel Your MLM Sales Funnel should consist of the following key components1) Keyword specific marketingü There are a countless number people exploring the internet everyday on topics related to your product or opportunity. Use Keyword research to find phrases that are searched for often but that have a small number of websites competing for that phrase. Then make informative Marketing pieces (Videos, articles, Etc…) with a link to your Capture page to get additional information. 2) Custom Lead Capture pagesü These are small pages intended to capture your prospects contact information. This page should mark you as an expert and also give a persuasiveoffer (free training, etc..) in exchange for the prospects contact details.3) Autoresponderü “The Money Is In The List!!!” You distribute your free offer from above through your auto-responder. This is where you house your prospects contact information (your list).This is also where you follow up on autopilot with your leads giving them fantastic free value and also sharing your opportunity as well. MLM Sales Funnel Example:To illustrate this more intensely think about what you are doing right now. You are currently involved in some way in one of my Network Marketing Sales funnels. Below I will illustrate how you are interacting with each of the components above. Keyword research/Marketing - Wholesale China My Keyword research indicates that there are 5,400 searches in google every month for the word “MLM Sales” and also that there are 57,700 competing websites trying to get those views. I created this “MLM Sales” Funnel article to capture some of those 5,400 views. Capture page – if you are on my blog then you will notice links with the anchor text MLM Sales all over the blog. If you are reading this in an article directory you will notice both a link to my blog as well as a link to my capture page with the anchor text “MLM Iphone 4s Charger Sales” in the author resource box below. Autoresponder– On my Lead Capture page I offer free training videos as well as immediate access to an automated system that will allow you to put up unlimited MLM Sales Funnels all over the internet. Once you type in your contact information you will be added to my autoresponder which will forward you the training videos as well as all of the cutting edge marketing tips and strategies that I use to “Crush it” In my businesses. You will also be able to immediately access the same automated system that I use in my business.

